
Build a better bird house

While out junkin’ yesterday, I found this birdhouse for $5.00. Cute, but not substantial enough. I scrounged around the house for something to make it have more presence.  These are the things that I found. You may remember the large candlestick from the table I put together, which I really didn’t like, no matter what I did to it.


I glued all of the pieces together with no more nails, set two cans of paint inside to hold it down and waited.


Then I sprayed it all


I had this little bird in one of my cloches, so I put him on a stick with some fake ivy. Isn’t he adorable?


For the top I used part of a pepper mill that I took apart, and added a glass knob


And here it is all put together



My few days of vacation are now over, but I still have the weekend to figure out what other junk I can throw together :)

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  1. that is adorable!! I'm sad you didn't like your table though....I sure did :)

  2. Hi, I'm stopping by from Leigh's this is so clever! I just saw a little birdcage yesterday (not this cute) and passed it by, 'cause it was too small :(. I really like this idea and may be stealing it in the future.


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